The walls of the old common kitchen adjacent to the monastery administrative block, due to dilapidation, had developed lots of cracks which caused leakage from all sides during rainy season. The interior walls of the kitchen is all covered with soot which is quite unsightly, and to compound the problem, the sooty water finds its way into the food during rainy season making the food quite unhygienic for consumption. The surface of the kitchen floor has broken at some places while at other places the floor is so dangerously smooth and slippery for the monks to move around. Furthermore, the kitchen, in terms of size, is way too small causing a great deal of inconvenience for the monks on duty. In view of the plethora of problems posed by the existing kitchen coupled with the need to keep up with the times, the administrative body of Drepung Loseling Educational Society, after a series of deliberation, put up the mutually consented proposal about the need of new kitchen to the General Body Meeting in which the proposal was approved by the simple majority vote and the project was successfully completed. We sincerely thank all our benefactors for their generous support towards this kitchen project.